Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Thing #16 - playing with wikis

This was a fun exercise. I don't normally contribute content to a wiki but I edited several pages of the the Learn & Play at CML wiki and even added my blog for the 23 Things so now I'm sure I'll get lots of comments posted. Actually, what I should take from this experience is to start posting comments on the blogs of other staff members who are listed in the wiki. What a novel idea!

Well it's the end of my work day and I have a busy evening ahead so later ...

Thing #15 - Wikis

I personally using the wikipedia all the time. It usually contains everything I need on a topic or has links to other sources that give me that info. It has so many uses and only requires that you have web access to view it from anywhere.

In IT and DS, we use it for our departmental (and interdepartmental) documentation so that you don't have to remember everything. Obviously, with more secure applications a login is required but beyond that it gives users the tools they need to perform their job more effectively.

With wikis the possibilities are endless. Maybe I should set up my own wiki.

Thing #14 - Web 2.0, Library 2.0

I have been exposed to Web 2.0 and Library 2.0 off and on for a couple of years now so it's premise is not new to me. However, I'm more and more amazed at how this technology has taken off. I found an interesting article about the Library 2.0 theory,, which has a lot of great information and references. The idea that you can provide content for the web world to see is both scary and empowering. I am usually not one to provide my input but I thoroughly enjoy reading everyone else's input. Of course, you do have to read past what I would classify as coming from people who are socially ignorant or just like to get a reaction. I can't wait to see what happens as CML incorporates more and more of these social networking concepts.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Thing 13 is Delicious

I think I'm going to love I am all about anything that makes it easier for me to have to remember less. To be able to have a single repository for things I need to know (and am always having to google search to re-find) this tool is so awesome! I can't wait to start using the tool as part of my regular routine whenever I'm browsing the web and come across something that I want to use later. As a note to self my info is

Speaking of delicious I think I'm getting hungry for some dessert.


Well I'm not so sure I'm going to like using Twitter. So far the Web 2.0 tools I've used have been easy to use and I can see the benefit. Given that I'm usually long-winded when talking (or writing) the 140 character limit is not going to be easy for me. Oh well, I'll try to keep going back into my account to see if anyone is following me. Here's my info if you want to twitter with me

Library Thing

With as many times as Library Thing has come up in meetings for the AquaBrowser catalog I'm almost ashamed to admit that this was the first time that I actually used Library Thing. It is actually going to be a great way for me to keep track of books that I've already read and loved or those that have been recommended but that I can't get to yet. If you want to check out what's in my library so far go to

Until next time.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Futuristic transporation

Create Fake Magazine Covers with your own picture at

Thing #9

Since I am doing such a great job keeping up with my Bloglines feeds I decided to add a few more. I simply did a search for "library" and selected Search for feeds from the drop-down and it quickly returned the results. There search tool was very easy to use which is what I need these days.


Thing #8

I have briefly used RSS feeds in my time working on the AquaBrowser project but this was the first time that I signed up for the service in a different forum. I didn't think anything of it until I didn't look at what the feeds returned after not looking at it for over a week. Yikes! I guess I need to be better about keeping up with it.

If your interested my public blogline is .
See ya!