Friday, September 19, 2008


Since DP was originally created in the mid- to late-1980's a lot of new technologies have emerged. We are always looking for ways to automate processes for staff and have for a couple of years been monitoring the use of RFID, radio frequency ID. The whole premise of RFID is that a microchip is embedded in a tag that allows for electronically getting information about the tagged item. RFID was around way before the launch of DP but with its increasing use in such things as passports, toll booths, and public transportation stations the price of the tags is going down so it is starting to have a lot of appeal in the ILS (Integrated Library System) market. Using this technology, the ILS can be set up to read these tags and automatically check in items. Unfortunately, the tags are still quite expensive so with over 3 million items we'll have to sit back and wait before pursuing adapting DP to integrate with RFID tags.

Thing #6

I'm amazed at the tools that are available that enable non-techi people to create some amazing applications. The one that really got my attention was Montagr. I'm still not exactly sure how it was able to find the right images to create the correct shading. Wow!

I decided to have some fun of my own and created a trading card using one of the photos from my recent vacation ( Yes, I do occasionally take vacation from working on DP changes.


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Where DP changes begin

Did you ever wonder where we make all of the DP magic happen? For the first time ever I'm going to open the doors to let everyone see.

As you can see, my cubicle (above left) is loaded with folders and papers. Well, what do expect when you're working on 10 projects at a time and you've been working for the same organization for 20+ years. Not to mention I've sat in the same cubicle since moving to the Ops Center in January 2003. The newest addition to the DP family, Jim, on the other hand is much more "green" than I am so his desk (above right) isn't so cluttered with papers. We'll give him another 19 years then see what his space looks like.
Until next time ... Susan

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I'm learning and playing

Well I finally did it! Thanks to the Learn & Play at CML I've created my first blog. One would think that being a computer programmer would mean I use the lastest technology and tools that are out there but I'm afraid to say that isn't the case. I don't even remember to initiate Google chat and I don't have it set up to initiate automatically. Oh well; at least I set up an account.

I just finished going through the 7 1/2 habits of highly successful lifelong learners and I think I have a pretty good handle on most of the habits. To say which one is the easiest is not easy though. I've definitely mastered turning problems into challenges but I think the easiest one is Habit 2: Accept responsibility for your own learning. The hardest one for me is Habit 1: Begin with the end in mind. I tend to take things one step at a time and expand and improve as I go along.

I've set up this blog to pass on information about Discovery Place and to get comments from the users. Now I just need to make the time to publish posts and of course reading posts.

Happy blogging! Susan